The Mansion
Inspired by Cyberpunk and soulslike games, the mansion is a quest level designed to blend combat within environmental storytelling.
Level Design
Unreal Engine,
Figma, Krita
Solo Project
3 weeks
I began by researching cyberpunk aesthetics, which led me to the idea of creating a mansion.
I then gathered visual references and finally chose a minimalistic, modern design for the mansion.
A focused color palette and lighting are used to help set the mood.
Level Floor Plan​​​
Level story: The player infiltrates a gang leader's mansion to rescue a hostage, only to uncover a hidden prison where kidnapped victims are subjected to inhumane experiments.
After coming up with a storyline, I really focused on creating an ideal pathing flow to match the narrative story beats.​
1. Mansion Entrance​​
The player will explore the mansion across 3 floors.
Upon entering the mansion, the player explores the living room, which features branching pathways to the kitchen and a staircase leading to the upstairs lounge.
Combat difficulty: Easy ☆
2. Upper Floor​​
Clear the upper floor to obtain the access key from the research room.
On this floor, the player will encounter more melee and ranged guards, with ambush and patrol setups strategically placed throughout.
Combat difficulty: Medium ☆☆
3. Kitchen​​
The access key allows players to reach the basement floor from the kitchen.​
I used this area to provide players with pickups and item drops, helping them prepare for the heavy combat that follows.
4. Basement Control Room​​
Through the staircase down, the player will reach the underground control room.
Defeat the guards to obtain the prison key.
The security room will provide narrative context to advance the storyline.
Combat difficulty: Easy ☆
5. Prison​​
The player will attempt to find and rescue the hostage, only to find him dead.
You must uncover the gang's inhumane experiments by finding the leader.
Ranged Combat set-ups and stronger enemies are implemented for this zone.
Combat difficulty: Hard ☆☆☆
6. Final Boss Fight​​
Defeat the gang leader (final boss fight) then escape the mansion through the one-way tunnel.
Combat difficulty: Extreme ☆☆☆☆